Downtown Hong Kong
Here are a couple views of the downtown region of Hong Kong. It was very well kept and maintained as compared to where I was staying in the region of Kowloon, and didn't have the same "shanghai" feeling as the back alleys did on the peninsula. Only had a couple experiences of visiting the region... one night on visiting downtown we went to the ladies market and spent a couple hours wandering the streets and doing cheap bartering with the traders. And another time was a couple of us Canadians taking up a tip to visit the drinking quarter of the city, which was just a 10 minute rail across the bay and further west. It was a very busy place to visit, since every tourist in the city seemed to be out enjoying the partying at the same time. That night we meet a bunch of americans and other backpackers, but ended up on our own in some shifty club that we bribed our way into since all of us guys were stupid enough to wear shorts out. Though in humid 30 degree weather it's hard to blame us. The picture there of the big chinese style building that is on the water is a picture of the largest floating restaurant in the
world in a section of Hong Kong called Aberdeen. To see it so up close we took a bit of a harbour tour in some rickety craft which toured us around to see absolutely nothing but this restaurant and some of the rotting boats in the harbour. Getting into the boat and paying 20 HKD I figured that we'd at least get to see the Tsing Ma bridge or something, but no. Just this restaurant at the very beginning, and then 15 min up the waterway passing other vessels and back. But hey, not a bad shot.
ooooh skyscrapers.. i miss the city heaps..
10:06 PM
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