Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Charters Towers: Gappie Set-up

So here I've finally arrived in Charters Towers. The flight up from melbourne was particularily good since it was the only flight I caught so far which I actually managed to catch some sleep on! It had a layover in Brisbane of only a couple hours, so no tourist stops there, and then we were on our way to Townsville pegged to arrive at 10 pm or so. Getting at the airport Katie and myself (Marco was to arrive the next day) met up with Mac Horne who is Dean of Students at All Souls St Gabriels and is the bloke in charge of the gap students. We had a pretty serene and quiet bus-ride up to the campus, which lasted for 1.5 hours heading towards Charters Towers, all the while being quietly excited at the possibility of seeing a kangaroo on the side of the road. Arriving at around 11 pm at All Souls we were introduced to the headmaster, and then thankfully to our new home (above). The rooms I've forgotten to take pictures of, but maybe I'll remember later on. ASSG has a pretty good setup for it's Gappies over here. Upon hearing all the war-stories from both orientations in Vancouver and Melbourne, I didn't quite know what to expect... but we were lucky as hell to at least end up with 2 bathrooms, 3 seperate beds, a kitchen and in-house laundry. Also, relatively close, are a tennis court (30 ft) and a pool (120 ft)....and dining hall is only a 3 minute walk. My specific duty as a GAP student, is to work closely with students age 5-12 in the junior school and assist the teachers in whatever tasks the require. Sometimes i'll take over a class for a little while, but more frequently i'm asked to assist small groups of children if they're having learning difficulties and try to give them the extra attention that teachers often can't when dealing with large groups of kids. Since it's volunteer work, I get paid the equivalent of 2 dollars an hour, which works out to be enough sustain yourself with the extra little things that come up as requirements for the week... aka beer and chocolate. For me peanut butter is a big thing too, and if any of y'all want to mail me at all, pls send some Reece's Peanut Butter Cups...they don't exist here!! Address is PO Box 235, Charters Towers, QLD, AUSTRALIA, 4820.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man i miss that place.. used to chill with dezzi n laurie there!! i miss them soo xx..

10:04 PM


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